Connecting Veterans and their families to meaningful careers with top Bay Area employers
Job Fair
Since February 2020 (due to Covid), we have not be able to host events at Travis AFB. We hope this returns in the near future.
But for now, we encourage you to visit HireGi and RecruitMilitary for regional events.
Below is an upcoming Hybrid event online / virtual career with Bay Area Employers
Travis AFB Hiring Event Delta June 2023 @ Delta Breeze
Thursday, June 22 · 1 - 3pm PDT
Connecting Veterans
with Opportunity
We host Career Fairs quarterly at Bay Area Employer locations showcasing multiple employers ranging from public service to high-tech. Manufacturing, Accounting/Finance, Engineering, Sales & Marketing and more - an opportunity for everyone. Along with our Employers at the Job Fairs, there are additional resources like mentors and career coaches to help you stand out and find the perfect role for you.
Travis AFB - Transition Assistance
Resources & Upcoming Events
Who is BraveHire?
BraveHire is an organization made up of members who are committed to the service of our Service Members. Employers, Recruiters, Military Veterans, Executives and Entrepreneurs that know the value of military training and what that talent brings to the civilian workplace. Brought to you by The Hire Key and Work for Warriors in partnership with some of the Bay Area's best employers and non-profit organizations focused on supporting veterans.
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Employers, Interested in finding Veteran talent?
Let's start a conversation about your hiring needs.